Saturday 4 February 2012

The Clairvoyant

They stepped into the rooms 
where the children used to sleep
on faint-blood scented beds,
incarcerated with belief.
 Dance-dangled and wobbled,  
then sat down and bubbled, 
their hands on the Bible 
some priest made them read.
An hour worth walk 
to the theatre whose  
audience will talk 
over and never applause,
nor the featherbrains 
nor the dissipated whores,
clinging onto remote good days
when frail actresses attempts
to reverence would graciously fail.
A hundred years of night 
came clanching the City from the inside,
after both storms and bombings
with their lightening bolts like warnings 
tore the Church Gates into crumbs.
Rolling thumbs,sitting 
at the Table of Fools,
bending diners in groups 
still go placidly immune 
to mass defiance when opportune.
So Long Law and long lost Faith,
suppressed by deities up to date
whose rules lie engraved 
on the Saxon Writs 
where one can find the myths 
of wolves in boxes and bone shaped
foxes parading on the streets.
"The world's at war, 
haven't you read The Times?" 
shouts Little Match Girl to
the righteous men in Line.
 A bunch of bolsheviks in the distance
showing uniforms surreal,scarlet tainted,
cotton pockets abundant with wrong ideals.
The time traveller's mad helper 
traded chemicals for rifles, 
taste of carton paper-shelters
from this epoch's global lies and trifles.
Caressed by the Thames
is the Abbey of Shivering Gold,
its immaculate altars worms
grew like disciples from exotic wars.
What sort of luck,or lack
led them into worship such God?
Left alone are rounding corners
to the fears one left unfold.
The Army has sold its soldiers
as the "good reasons" turned to crimes,
a toast to the mercenaries'lonelier,
the beat of cannons'march in time.
Old men nameless ran useless
for the set wont even settle
for no battle was ever battled,
born in violence the germ of Greed  
proliferates in silence
nurturing breeds that in silence rattle. 
A Nation with no Glory
saw the people leaving Town,
but the young man wont give in 
he is eager, Campanile bound.
An infantile dream awaits, 
but he's stuck within the crowd,
kneeling to the marble statue 
of the Admiral Refound.
With eyes that scoop around
no more feels what pain calls grief.
With eyes of blue profound,
headless to a dreamless dream.
One step to re-start,  
One step to forget,
Last step to fill  with nonsense 
a life full of regret..

Monday 10 October 2011


Things are as simple as this:

 there are the Dickinsons and the Wheeler Wilcoxs just like there are the Morrisseys and the Bonos, the wild flowers and the ornamental grass.
There are poets and boring poets, songwriters and boring songwriters.

There is a never ending harmless army of mediocre writers causing no trouble to the consciousness of your average petty bourgeois, and that's fine. I accept that.
I do not expect a William Blake or a Syd Barret to materialise and enter the scene every other hour and i am keenly aware that they dreamingly belong to the unfathomable world of one off geniuses, but (there is always a but if you're an independent thinker) it does not prevent my whole self from hoping and longing for an out of the ordinary read or a more compelling listen, there is a light that never goes out indeed.
The controversy is nurtured by the fact that the majority of these circles circulators of the modern arts are ,honestly speaking, quite good at what they do.
Therefore i wont call them useless, but simply negligible as they can actually write a song (Bono used to write fairly good pop songs in fact), and they can definitely compose a decent poem at times (Wheeler Wilcox's point of view is banal and circumscribed to clear manifest statements but she could at least practice on poetry).

The difference is they really never told me anything i didn't know already.

Now the question spontaneously generates itself : 


We will always be in need of someone so daring as to seep through the tangles of obvious and make us see things under a different light.
This legion of Lion-Writers are the ones who make the difference and elevates the human spirit although they didn't invent anything new.
The things they talk about were already there; its just we couldn't see them.
We are touched by their eyeopening way of seeing and suddenly our blinkers crumble away and we finally find ourselves violently awaken by the beauty of the simple things, or by their tragic epilogue.

Tell me something i don't know, Poet... or rather keep silent.

Saturday 11 June 2011

the Truth about Palestine (an introduction)

It's out of the question that one of the biggest controversy of modern times is represented by the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and embodied in the misleading way things have been put and divulged since.
If only western society gained knowledge of the historical process that led to the massacre of millions from the last century onwards, then war might not be over yet but the angle from which we look at it would surely differ and our prospective dramatically change.
For instance we can only fight barbarity if we know where barbarity hides and proliferates.
It takes a heart bulimic for knowledge and a firm open mind to accept that what we see and read and especially what we've been told and taught might not be the "truth" or the "only truth" possible.
Disguised as facts,tons of aberrant lies were spread over the years,in schools and universities,tv,radio,internet and especially in magazines and newspapers aligned with the euro-american monopoly of opinions,in order to manipulate the public consensus and veil the real culprits for the conflict,the so called patriarchs of the international Zionism.
The result of this mass deception campaign is sadly summarised in groundless wordings like "civilisation enemies" and the most hypocrite "terrorists",which palestinian people have been labeled with. 
The confessed intent of this book is to destroy the cage of prejudice and misconceptions we're all trapped into and make people aware of the adulteration of information they are victims of,finally giving them a chance to build a personal opinion no longer based on discordant dates and cryptically deceitful tales.
A shocking picture emerges from the skeletons of history, where
self proclaimed institutional authorities that are supposed to protect us and keep us informed are the very undisputed protagonists for the whole cover up work and responsible for making us believe we are safe and free instead.
The international Jewish community of untouchables with its closest alleys in the shape of both American and English governments, are directly involved with the interminable sequence of crimes perpetrated against the Palestinian Nation and the consequent omission and negation of these crimes appears to be the standard procedure of corruption.
On the verge of the inevitable global war that will put the word end on the pages of the Human Era,theres a new found urge for truth and now more than ever palestinian terrorism should not be described as ATTACK ,but only as a form of SELF-DEFENCE.